Determine Interface Scope

Determine Interface Scope

This guide explains how to create and manage interfaces between two systems (source and target systems) within our platform. It includes creating a new interface, defining scenarios, detailing fields per scenario, and submitting your setup for review.

Step 1: Viewing Existing Interfaces

On the main page, you can view all existing interfaces with:
  • Title: Name of the interface
  • Description: Brief overview
  • Status: Current operational state (Active, Pending, etc.)

Step 2: Creating a New Interface

To add a new interface:

  1. Click New Interface.
  2. Choose "Build Together With Us" from the provided options (other options include "Use Our Chat Assistant" and "Use Our Templates").
  3. Click Continue.

Step 3: Filling in Questionnaire

In the next screen:
  • Select one source app (the system providing data).
  • Select one target app (the system receiving data).

 ​ InfoNote: Apps must be activated in your settings. Check this article how to activate apps

After selecting apps, complete the following:
  • Purpose of interface: Clearly state the intention.
  • Special conditions or limitations: Detail any special format (e.g., CSV), processing requirements, or known constraints.
  • Responsible persons: List the individuals involved (e.g., Payroll Administrators).
  • Frequency: Specify how often the interface should run (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).

Step 4: Defining Scenarios

Define all data scenarios to transfer. Common scenarios include:

  • Personal
  • Contact information
  • Address
  • Contract
  • Bank account
  • Team
  • Hours
  • Salary
  • One-Time Payments
  • Recurring Payments
  • Leave
  • Organigram
Click Next after selecting scenarios.

Step 5: Specifying Details per Scenario

For each scenario selected, specify:

  • Source fields: Data fields from the source system.
  • Target fields: Corresponding data fields in the target system.
  • Logic: Any transformations or rules (e.g., formatting names).
  • Ready status: Check if the field is available in both systems. Disable if unavailable.
  • Additional comments: Any further information developers should be aware of.

Repeat this for each scenario.

Step 6: Review and Submit

After completing all scenarios:
  • Review the summary provided to ensure accuracy.
  • Check the box "By checking this checkbox, I confirm the information is final" if everything is correct.
  • Click Submit for review.

Next Steps

After submission:

  • A developer reviews your submission.
  • They either approve and start development or reject with follow-up questions.
  • Once developed, the interface moves to testing according to your defined scenarios.

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