Activate Apps

Activate Apps

To extract data from other systems, it is necessary to link these systems to BrynQ. That linking is possible in the "Apps" section. When you activate an app, it becomes part of your monthly license, enabling you to exchange data (send or receive) with it.
We call the systems you get data from in BrynQ "Apps." So AFAS Profit is an App, but also Instagram is an App and also Strava is an App.

How to Activate an App

Follow these steps to activate an app:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Within Settings, select Interfaces, then choose Apps.
  3. Use the search function to quickly find your desired app. For example, type "AFAS Profit" in the search bar.
  4. Click the Activate button next to the app.
Once you've clicked Activate, the app becomes active and available for use in new interfaces and scopes.

License Information

At the top of the Apps page, you can always see how many interfaces are active and how many you can still use within your current license.

Next Steps

After activation, you can immediately start creating new interfaces. Refer to this article for information about creating and managing interfaces.

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