Salureconnect python documentatie

Salureconnect python documentatie


SalureConnect is a Python package that handles the credential information between other packages and the web platform SalureConnect. The package simplifies the process of fetching and refreshing authentication credentials, as well as downloading files stored on the SalureConnect platform.

Table of Contents


To install the salureconnect package, run:

Copy code
  1. pip install salureconnect



To start using the SalureConnect package, you first need to import the module and create an instance of the SalureConnect class:

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  1. from salureconnect import SalureConnect salure = SalureConnect(customer=
  2. salure = SalureConnect(customer=
  3. 'your_customer_name', api_token='your_api_token', staging='prod')

You can also set the following environment variables instead of passing the customer and API token as parameters:


Fetching Credentials

To fetch authentication credentials for a specific system, use the get_system_credential() method:

  1. pythonCopy code
  2. credentials = salure.get_system_credential(system='system_name', label='label_name', test_environment=False)

Refreshing Credentials

To refresh OAuth authentication credentials for a specific system, use the refresh_system_credential() method:

  1. pythonCopy code
  2. credentials = salure.refresh_system_credential(system='system_name', system_id=123)

Listing Files

To list available files from the SalureConnect API, use the list_files() method:

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  1. files = salure.list_files()

Downloading Files

To download multiple files from SalureConnect, use the download_files() method:

pythonCopy code
  1. salure.download_files(output_path='path/to/output/folder', filter_upload_definition_ids=[1, 2], filter_file_names=['file1', 'file2'], filter_deleted=False)

To download a specific file from SalureConnect, use the download_file() method:

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  1. salure.download_file(file_id=123, file_name_and_path='path/to/output/file.ext')

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