Connect je Azure Entra omgeving aan BrynQ

Connect je Azure Entra omgeving aan BrynQ

Step 1: Adding the BrynQ app to the app registrations in your Azure environment

  1. Sign in to your azure portal.
  2. Go to  App registrations
  3. Click New registration:
  4. Add a name for this registration, you can give it a name that will help you realize that will help you recognize that this app is connected to the interface. Also select the single tenant option.
  5. You have now added an app registration. now you need to change the permissions for the api.

Step 2 - Setting the Api permissions.

  1. Go to API permissions and add an API permission
  2. It should be a Microsoft Graph API type.
  3. Add All the permissions that are required for the interface:
  4. Well done! You are now ready to create the password/keys that will enable Brynq to use the API with the permissions you just set. 

Step 3 - Creating client secret

  1. At Certificates and secrets you can add a new certificate or secret for BrynQ. You can also go to the app registration you have created and add a certificate or secret there
  2. What you want to do is create a new client secret and fill in how long this keypair should be valid for. Please do this in accordance with your own company policy and please make sure to register the expiry date with the person(s) responsible for maintaining the keys. If you do not create new keys before the expiry date you set, the interface will not be able to run properly after the expiry date.
  3. Once the key has been created, copy the Value field using the button shown in the screenshot below.
  4. Next navigate to this link in BrynQ and find the app called "Azure Active Directory Customer".
  5. Activate the if this is not done yet;
  6. Fill in the secret value in the specified field.
  7. Save. You are done.

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