Setup Organigram

Setup Organigram

The organizational chart determines what users see in the dashboards. This article describes how to set up the organizational chart and how to link users to it.

Loading source systems

In most organizations, multiple software systems are used for different purposes. Often these systems have their own organizational charts and their own permission structures. In dashboards where multiple source systems converge, this creates problems. For this reason BrynQ offers the possibility to link all organization charts from underlying systems into 1 overarching organization chart.

The first step that must be taken to do this is to set up the source systems. This is a simple job that can be done by the application administrator, or someone else with the appropriate rights:
  1. Navigate to Settings > Organization > External systems;
  2. Add a new external system and give it a recognizable description;
  3. Now also add the entities from this source system with code and description. The codes should look unique.

Setting up organizational chart

The organizational chart is set up in three steps.
  1. Create levels - Determine how many levels the organizational chart consists of and what they are called;
  2. Add Entities - Actually organize the organizational chart;
  3. Link external systems - Link the organizational units from all extnernal systems to the organizational chart in BrynQ;

1. Create levels

  1. Navigate to Settings > Organization > Organization Chart;
  2. Now add as many levels as needed and give each level a recognizable description. Always start with the top level. The numbers of the levels are added automatically and have no function except recognizing the level.
An example of an organization with 5 levels could be: Holding, Country, Organization, Department, Team.

2. Add Entities

  1. Stay on the same page. The organization chart itself is still empty. 
  2. Click the blue button to add the first entity. For example, if the first level is called "Holding," add the name of the holding company here;
  3. Now fill all the underlying levels and create all the entities needed. The organization chart does not have to match the organization chart from an external system. It is best when the organizational chart in BrynQ is the same as the actual organizational chart.

3. Linking external systems

Once the organizational chart is actually set up, it is time to connect the external systems to the organizational chart:
  1. Click the pencil icon on an entity in the organization chart. A tab appears on the right showing all external systems and all entities by external system.
  2. In the example above, the checked entity is linked to the organizational entity that is selected. The entity with the empty box is not linked to anything. And the entities with the link icon behind the code are linked elsewhere in the organizational chart.
  3. Find the entity from the external system that belongs to the selected organizational unit and tick it;
  4. Now click the next entity in the organizational chart. You will see here that the entities you just linked have a link icon;
  5. Do this for the entire organizational chart until there are no more entities that are unlinked;

Linking users

A detailed description of creating and managing users can be found on the page on this topic. For now, just a description of linking users to the organizational chart that has just been set up:
  1. Navigate to Settings > Authorization > Users and open a user;
  2. Click on the "Organization Chart" field and the organization chart will open. Here tick the appropriate place the user belongs to;
  3. It is possible to deviate from the default place in the organization chart at the dashboard level. For example, an HRM advisor could be in the HRM department in the organization chart, but still have all rights in the HRM dashboard. For a financial dashboard, on the other hand, this person would then be able to see only their own department.

Dashboards authorization

When users are linked to the organizational chart, this organizational chart can also be linked to dashboards. That way, users get to see only the information to which they are entitled according to the organizational chart in BrynQ.
Example: user Taylor has access to the Sales department in the BrynQ organization chart. Cost center 100 and 200 from Profit are linked to the Sales department. When Taylor gains access to the "Sales figures" dashboard that also includes Cost centers 100 and 200 in the data, she gains access to the data associated with these cost centers and not the other data.

The application administrator can link the organizational chart and permissions to dashboards by including a Section Access component. The Section Access code looks like the following and should be added in the dashboard:

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