Tasks created at the customer's request are displayed on the "Scheduler" page. For example, a link between 2 systems, generation of emails with data, etc. Such a task is performed at times set by the customer. The Scheduler page shows information about these tasks. An example is shown below:
The highlighted items in the image above involve the following:
The id. All tasks are given a unique number;
The name of a task;
The status: is a task currently running or not?
When a task is running, this will tell you which step the task has reached, for example step 2 out of 5. What these steps mean can be seen under "Show progress", the 4th icon of the "Actions" section (number 10 from this list).
The frequency with which a task is performed;
The moment a task was last run;
The moment of the the next run of the task;
How long it took to run a task;
Whether or not a task was executed successfully;
See "Actions" below.
In the search bar above the figures of the above items can be filtered for these items. Enter (part of) the cell content searched for in the search bar, for example "1 Day" if you want to show all tasks with a frequency of 1 day.
As a user, you can perform various actions on activated tasks in the Scheduler:
The numbers in the image above imply the following:
In addition to at the set frequency, a task can also be run manually at any time. To do this, click on this start icon;
With this pencil icon, you can customize various things about the scheduler. This is explained separately below.
A log is kept of performed tasks. This log contains additional information about performed tasks.
Here, under "Show progress", you can see at which step a task is when it is completed.
Here you can see a cross icon if a task is active (see the dates of the parts "last" and "next" repetition) and with this you can deactivate the task. The task will no longer be executed as scheduled. If a task is not active, there is no log icon but there is an activate button in that place:
If you press the "Edit" button in the "Actions" section, you will see the window below. This edit feature is visible only if you as a user have the rights to "Create and adjust tasks in connectors".
You can enter the name of your task here;
Here is space for an explanation of the task;
You can manually enable or disable the task as a whole;
There are two types of tasks: "Interface" and "Dashboard". For the current purpose, only "Interface" is relevant.
The trigger type is the event that determines whether a task is started. There are 3 options: "Time", "Other task" and "Manual". In the "Time" option, you enter the frequency of runs (item 6 in this list below) and the time of the next run (item 7 below). In the "Other task" option, you choose after which other task from the task list the task you are editing is started; you can also fill in whether that happens only when that trigger task is successfully completed or whether that doesn't matter. With the "Manual" option, there is not actually a trigger, but you decide on a time-by-time basis whether you want to start a task or not.
Here you can specify with what frequency you want the task to be run.
Here you can enter at what time you want the next run of the task to take place.
Indicate here which time zone you are working with.