

To obtain the most detailed information about all tasks that have been performed, their log can be viewed on the Connectors > Log page. This log go back to the time a task was first activated and executed. 


A sample logbook is shown below.

The numbers in the image above imply the following:
  1. The number of a task. All tasks are given a unique number;
  2. The name of a task;
  3. The number of a completed task. All completed tasks are assigned a unique number;
  4. The status of an executed task: did any errors occur during task execution?
  5. On which day and time a task was executed;
  6. When a task has encountered errors, this will be visible under "Status" (step 4). Additional information about this error will be displayed under "Result". If no errors have occurred, additional information about the executed task will also be displayed here.
  7. In the search bar you can search for specific tasks.

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